
Zan Bar is the first organic garden established Dr. Akiva Zanbar brothers and agronomist Daniel Zanbar. The garden covers an area of 60 hectares located in the Valley of Lod seat Weigel. These lands are known in their wealth of minerals, especially iodine and Triisalmntim essential plant. Active ingredients are herbs plant protection materials and to produce the greatest medical materials plant needs two conditions. 1. Terms Haka- organic plant exposed to pests and wild plants and that being the case the plant produces most of the active ingredients. 2. Minrlim- with water, minerals, carbon dioxide and solar energy plant produces proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and protective materials (these materials provide healing plant), so only the mineral-rich land will yield excellent products. These lands were not spraying poison and pesticides during the past 35 years, and fertilized with compost and organic manure one of the finest in the country. These lands added every few years mineral-rich basalt powder essential health products, and power is important for the synthesis of essential food vitamins and healing materials plant. We grow natural garden, dried plants to process the quality and efficiency formulas. The power of a beautiful plant only when the plant fresh and progression in quality, our garden insist on all stages of growth and packaging. Natural Garden “is working in collaboration with the College of vegan” which allows us to test the formulas and products: the ancient, traditional knowledge, mono graphs, College Clinic tests and studies conducted worldwide. Some of the plants that grow in the country can not be imported. Herbal formulas with no extras and kosher